Being a photographer... kind of important! 📸

So what keeps me keepin on?

As a photographer, we're a little more than just the person pointing the camera in your direction, telling you, "say cheese!". We really are a type of artist. Our components consist of subjects (person, animal, object), lighting (a whole chapter in itself), and energy (cheerful, moody, subtle, bold, crazy).

We want to create images that no matter what the components are, leave a lasting impact. We want the person looking at the image, to be left with a feeling, one that resinates with them. We want that image to spring an emotion every time they see it. Kind of like your wedding photos. Or that jaw dropping photo of your doggo. Or that picture of your grandparent, with the truest and kindest smile. This being our job, majority of us (any good photographer) take this SUPER seriously. Personally. And creatively.

So what keeps me keepin on? Well that's an easy one! The things I love the most.

My husband. He keeps me creative in the couples and love department. He inspires the deep emotions in me. I take my truest feelings, relate them, and help couples portray this in front of a camera. Everyone can be their truest selves with their true love. But not always in front of someone (you may have never met in person before) pointing a small machine with a circular piece of glass at you. I try not to always follow the trends in "couples photos", because there are definitely some poses that other photogs love, that kind of make me cringe... But as the artist behind the lens, I take any requests you may have, and then will add a touch of Mane Portraits to it. *insert sparkle emoji*

Ok, mushy stuff aside *insert winky face emoji*. The other main things that get my artist heart pumping? My horses. for certain. I mean have you seen how handsome they are?? Even when they're being the goofiest goobers, and not so graceful as everyone thinks horses always are... they inspire me no. Matter. What. I have a problem of thinking every image I save of them is life changing *insert laughing face*, but for me, they can be. Every single one of those keepers brings out an emotion in me every time I scroll through them. I have an issue of choosing which ones to make large prints of to hang in our house. There's not enough wall space for all the ones I want to print, and we have really tall ceilings.

Lastly, on my list of top things keepin' me creative: the farm and pups. With 22 acres, and 3 dogs (with very different personalities), it's EASY for them to keep me forever creating. And truth behold... with our little boy on the way, the possibilities of mixing all my favorite elements together, are effing endless. We can't wait for his arrival, and I can't wait to have another personal, teenie tiny model 🖤.