Family Photos Approach 🖤

No matter how big or small your family may be, family photos are desired by all. Whether you prefer outdoor photos, or indoor photos, I am open to either. Want the dog(s) to join? The more the merrier! Kitty? Parrot? Pony? Lizard? I'm for it ALL. Family often tends to include more than just humans, so why leave Rufus out?

No matter which you prefer, I gravitate towards the "lifestyle" type of pictures. I love the cute little moments that you have no idea I just shot. The unexpected giggles. The "nontraditional" true-life moments. Anyone can tell you and your loved ones to "smile!" And sometimes, that is the case. But I capture more than that. I capture when your faces are truly smiling from your heart. And if I manage to catch some of the bloopers of your kiddos crying, that may happen as well! Those are always precious to look back on.

Afraid that you or your spouse is too awkward for pics? Nonsense! That's my job to handle, and might I add, a terrible excuse to not get memorable pictures done 😉. "I'm warning you, we're really awkward, and you're going to have to tell us what to do!" is probably the FIRST thing clients desire to tell me! And that's ok.

But really... practically everyone names this tune. So no worries. This is part of what I'm paid to do. I fully am prepared for the husband who is dreading what you've dressed him in. For the boyfriend who'd rather be watching the football game. For the wife who has been over thinking all the decisions, and still isn't happy with her hair. For the toddler or teen who never wanted these gosh darn pictures to begin with. I take these things in stride my friends.

Best thing to do for your family portraits? Tell me ANY and all concerns you may have, befooore your session! I guarantee you'll have gained some reassurance from this! Really though. Let me have it all! Email. Phone call. Direct message. Let me at em'. I have pretty good solutions for a lot of these things! (I have done this once or twice 😆) I'm more than happy to put your mind at ease before we meet for the session. No need to get all participating members worked up for a fun time!

